Doppelganger Insideout is the making of Doppelganger Inside.

What exactly is Doppelganger Inside and how did I come about to naming my debut solo album as such?

Doppelganger Inside is a quote which I used on the opening scene before the credits in my feature film Beneath The Landslide: “Every single one of us has a Doppelganger Inside, the person they show the world and the one they truly are inside.”

As the adage goes, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. That is exactly what I did with Beneath The Landside after they stole the original script which I had written during my first semester at Full Sail University back in May of 2004 while pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Film & Television Production.  You can read all about the making of Beneath The Landslide in another blog.

When I rewrote BTL, twice over, that’s when I came up with the Doppelganger Inside concept, as I had to recast the entire film after I moved to NYC from Winter Park, FL. I thought it would be a cool and fitting title for my debut solo album.

After making 5 instrumental albums as DJah Riae$ Ear, from June 2019 to December 2020, I felt I had taught myself enough music production to finally add vocals to them. At this point I had written over 40 songs in English, Fritalianish (half French, half Italian) and in Spanish. To be quite honest, I had no idea what kind of music I wanted to make at first, so I decided to make an album which sounded much like one of my many eclectic playlists.

Growing up, I was fortunate enough to be exposed to many different types of music varying in genres, languages and styles. As my overall style changed like the wind, so did my taste in music. I went through many phases growing up, like a raver phase, punk phase, gangsta phase (as my cousins were), rock en espanol, R&B, rico suave, etc…

One of the things which transitioned very well from being an independent filmmaker to becoming an independent musician was the creative writing process. One of the very first things you learn in creative writing, is that you write what you know and then you embellish. So that’s what I did, when I wrote BTL, which is like 65% autobiographical, then when I started writing songs.

When I first started writing songs, I was going through a very transitional period in my life. A short period of time in which a lot of happened to me and all around me, some good, some bad, a lot of eye-opening stuff. All of which would shape me and affect me for the rest of my life. As you listen to my music it’s important to keep in mind that I am a firm believer in wearing my influences on my sleeves and that I am also an open book.

As I was constructing Doppelganger Inside, I was also trying to find myself through my new musical lenses. There is a big hip hop influence as well as a big alternative rock influence, along with a little bit of country and pop. I was also exploring my vocal ranges as I begin the process of singing along to the beats which I was creating, trying to find my flow through the whole process of learning how to harmonize.

As I was searching for my voice, I realized that my vocal ranges were all over the place, so I decided to make each voice its own character, with its own name and background story as I would’ve writing a script.

If you noticed Doppelganger Inside’s list of songs are all in alphabetical order, I find comfort in creating organized chaos with mise-en-scene elements which can make the fan experience much more interesting for any potential fan who would listen to my music.

Speaking of my music, here is a quick anecdote on each one of the songs which ended up making the cut for Doppelganger Inside.

  1. 2 Tabs & an 8th: This song was inspired by day in which I took 2 tabs of acid (LSD) and an 8th of mushrooms at the same time. It was the first time that I had tripped in years and I decided to walk along the edge of the beach in San Diego, from the pier in Ocean Beach all the was to Mt. Cabrillo National Park and then back. Did you know that you could walk along the edge of the beach without having to set foot on any public street from the points of destination? This trip not only opened my mind but it also opened my eyes to whole new world which I didn’t know existed and one in which I will forever be living from that day forth.
  2. Aria Diversa: This is my Fritalianish homage to the great, late Kurt Cobain and Nirvana, my most favorite band of all time and the best show I’ve seen to this day.
  3. Don’t You Wish: This is my pop homage to the Pussycat Dolls and the song Bad Things from the opening credits to the show True Blood.
  4. El Mundo Unido Como Una Nacion: This is my anti-covid/ homage to Heroes Del Silencio song.
  5. GiudiCUNTES (baise le appellant dire) : This is my Fritalianish middle finger to all the 1% pedophiliac cunts who run the world and think themselves as Illuminati.
  6. I Am The Darkness: My Marilyn Manson homage to This Is Halloween, my most favorite holiday of them all.
  7. I Need Something to Look Forward to My Dear: is my anti-covid, looking for love song.
  8. La Indeniable Realite: This is my Fritalianish looking for love song which I dedicated to all my exes.
  9. Nice Little Bow (fuck ALL the Shot Callers): My Marilyn Manson/ Disturbed homage and self-explanatory middle finger to the all the 1%ers, pedophiliac cunts who run the world and think themselves Illuminati and the rest of us too stupid to know any better.
  10. Pour Toi: This is my Fritalianish homage to one of my favorite songs of all time, #1 Crush by Garbage.
  11. Unapologetically Me: My hip hop middle finger to all those who don’t like me because I’m me.
  12. You Are Sublime: My alternative country song to all my long term relationship exes, all four of them, 5 year relationships each.

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